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Cenacolo Vinciano

Home > Cenacolo Vinciano

The Cenacolo Vinciano is a precious work of art which is to be found in the refectory of the Convent di Santa Maria delle Grazie, in Milan.

The most famous fresco in the world is also known with the name of "Ultima Cena" (The Last Supper) and was realised by Leonardo da Vinci between 1494 and 1498, during the Italian Renaissance artistic period. The work was commissioned by Ludovico il Moro, as testify the symbols in the four fanlights above the painting.

For the Last Supper, Leonardo decided not to use the classical technique used at that time for the realisation of fresco's. He opted for a dry paint method just as if it were a mural painting. This choice, together with the particular environment of the refectory and to some historical happenings, has not helped the upkeep of the opera which, over the years, has undergone grave deterioration.

So as to solve this problem, many different restoration works have been carried out and they started as far back as 1700, even if the techniques used in those years risked completely loosing what was the original work. The last restoration of the Cenacolo Vinciano was carried out in 1999 using the most modern scientific techniques available in this field.

Nowadays it is possible to visit the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie and see this opera of immense value. Close to the church, tourists can stay in one of the numerous hotels available, thus making their visit to other monuments in the Lombard Region capital very easy. For those who wish to see the Museum of the Cenacolo Vinciano, it is necessary to book in advance.

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