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Milan Central Station

Home > Lombardy > Milan > Milan > Milan Central Station

Milan Central Station is the second railway station for largeness and traffic volume: it hosts 600 trains and 320,000 passengers per day, and 12 million presences per year.

It covers all the major National and International routes and is characterised by an artistic architecture which is very evocative, as is the great glass vault which covers it.

There are also monuments inside the station amongst which: the memorial monument to the war heroes in Ethiopia, to the deported Jews, and a mosaic which represents a radio allegory.

Inside the station there are a series of plusses which go from the shopping area which occupies two floors, to the comfortable services requested by passengers like a chemist, various bars and restaurant areas, automatic ticket machines, and exchange services.

It is connected to the rest of the city by busses and the city's underground.

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