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Baths of Caracalla

Home > Lazio > Rome > Rome > Baths of Caracalla

The Baths of Caracalla represent one of the biggest and best conserved thermal complex's of antique Rome.

They were situated in Rome for want of Caracalla. The spa is famous for the richness of its decorations and various other opera's, and for this Polemico Silvio, in the V century, classified it as one of the seven wonders of Rome.

The life span of the spa lasted only three centuries, then it was abandoned following the seige of Rome by hand of the King of the Goths.

The spa could host 1,500 people.

After the excavations carried out over the years, various works of art have been found: the three Farnese sculptures - the Bull, the Flora, and Herculese, which are now to be found in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples. At the beginning of the 19th century the excavations revealed the Mitreo library. In the 80's more incisive work was carried out and, in fact, the Southern block was completely freed from the thick vegetation.

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