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Home > Emilia-Romagna > Forli'-Cesena > > Gambettola

The Municipality of Gambettola is in the Emilia Romagna Region, on the territory of the Province of Forlì-Cesena, and is a District of the city of Cesena. The town has 10,100 inhabitants and extends over a level land situated halfway between the sea and the hills.

The territory occupied by Gambettola was surely already known in Roman times, it being close to the via Emilia. The first written information regarding Gambettola is, however, to be found in the year 1200, and there are only a few historical momonuments conserved in the town which help to understand the history. Many of the old buildings were, in fact, destroyed during the second world war or were knocked down so as to build more modern buildings.

Nowadays, Gambettola is a thriving town known for the events that it hosts every year. The "Mostrascambio" for example is an antiques market which particularly focusses on spare parts for cars and motor bikes, even vintage. Always for vintage car lovers, Gambettola also sees a leg of the famous car race "Mille Miglia".

Situated close to Cesena and Rimini, and easily reached from all directions, the town hosts numerous receptive structures. Many, in fact, are the hotels in and around Gambettola, all ready to host tourists, many of which come to this small town during the Carnival period so as to admire the floats and folkloristic groups.

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