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Palazzo dei Banchi

Home > Emilia-Romagna > Bologna > Bologna > Palazzo dei Banchi

Beside the Basilica di San Petronio in Piazza Maggiore one finds the Palazzo dei Banchi which takes its name from the banker's shop which once rose there.

It was built in Renaissance style between 1565 and 1568 in accordance with the design by Jacopo Barozzi, nicknamed Vignola, a very well known architect.

From Piazza Maggiore there are two important roads which communicate with the surrounding areas: one is the via Pescherie, the other via Drapperie.

The Palazzo dei Banchi is the starting point for the famous portico "Il Padiglione" which reaches the palazzo dell'Archiginnasio. A curiosity regarding the name Padiglione: it derives from the French "Pavillon" and is connected to the Fair of the Silk Bacchus which was held in those years.

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