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Basilica di San Miniato al Monte

Home > Tuscany > Florence > Florence > Basilica di San Miniato al Monte

The Basilica di San Miniato al Monte rises on Monte Alle Croci. It is a Roman construction, rebuilt in the year 1000 on the ruins of an antique church. It was finished in 1200. In front of the church there is a magnificent square.

The facade is in elegant white and green marble and is divided into five arches which frame the three portals and the two fake lateral portals. The inside, divided into three parts by columns and pillars, underwent variation in the 19th century but the original beauty has been conserved.

Michelozzo realised the Cappella del Crocefisso in 1448 and Luca della Robbia covered it in white, gold and light blue. In the cloister there were prestigious fresco's by Paolo Uccello, which have now been removed.

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